Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Challenges of Marketing

My books for sale at NEW Health in Essex, New York
One of the downsides of publishing is reaching your target audience. And that becomes even more of a challenge when an author self-publishes. Though, I hear that even mainstream publishers want the author to do more of the marketing.

I developed a list of twenty-five venues in which to market my book. That list grows by the day as I think of more ways to get the word out to the right people. I have learned to be patient. It doesn’t happen in a day, or week, or even a month. It takes time and I am also convinced that at some point the book will have to sell itself. If it is any good, people will read it and recommend it.

And so I was delighted to see that my daughter, an acupuncturist in Upstate New York, has taken on the challenge and is offering my book for sale in her office. Maybe I should have had ten kids!

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