Sunday, June 30, 2024

Glenside, A Novel of Suspense

The book I started in October 2022 is in it's third draft editing process. With each read through I get deeper into the characters and the plot. I love these characters and I hope readers will too. Below is synopsis of the book. Detective Autumn Whitcomb is a mid-career cop caught between worlds—trying to fit into a new team in a new town. Before she can acclimate to her detective position with the Glenside, New York, police department, Autumn is assigned to investigate the mysterious death of the university’s archivist. During her investigation, she learns valuable artwork is missing from the archives. She feels the archivist’s death and the missing artwork are connected. But how? She is pressured to solve the case quickly as the university prepares for its centennial celebration—murder and missing art would discourage donors. But Autumn has to navigate the passions, intrigue, and power struggles inherent in academia while she figures out who murdered the archivist and if the art thefts are connected. Dr. Yuri Rachinskij, Director of the Ukrainian National Archives, faced serious problems. His country was at war and he was responsible for making sure the artifacts housed in the National Archives were safe. With missile strikes coming closer, threatening his family, staff, and the archives, the unimaginable happened. The Ukraine government sent Yuri to Glenside, New York, on a special mission. But his assignment is interrupted when he is considered the prime suspect in a murder investigation.

1 comment:

  1. Your new novel sounds exciting and intriguing! Looking forward to reading it when you publish.
